Parish Leader Oversight

In addition to this handbook, Sojourn Montrose is committed to organic and relational forms of Parish Leader oversight. A relationship with our staff and elders is where trust, accountability, teaching, guidance, and counseling happen for Parish Leaders. However, we do want to systematize methods of training, counsel, check-in and care for Parish Leaders. Please be patient with us, and know that are pastors are available to you at any time and in any situation.

Retrospective Meetings

Every year or so we plan to touch base with each Parish Leader Team that is meant to assess health and multiplication. That means, we want you to look back at the last few months and assess how things have been going, what the Parish is growing in and needs to grow in, and how the drive toward multiplication is going. The goal is to keep tabs on this process and prepare training content based on what’s happening in our congregation. 

Regular Trainings 

A few times per year, Sojourn Montrose plans to have intentional trainings for Parish Leaders on specific topics. During these intensives, there is designated time to ask questions, engage in conversation regarding leadership methods, be trained on a theological or leadership topic, and engage the multiplication timeline with your apprentices. These trainings are for Apprentices and Parish Leaders.

Annual Retreat

The Parish Leader Retreat is a designated weekend for rest, rejuvenation, and relationship building. We facilitate these “three R’s” by providing a lot of down time for Parish Leaders, meals, a place to get away and unplug, and some guided conversation and devotion. The Parish Leader Retreat is something we will plan, in some capacity, to do annually with each other and our families. This retreat is for Parish Leaders.


If at any time you feel your are out of your depth, need guidance, or have a question, feel free to contact Reid Squires. // 832-977-9517


Parish Leader Job Description

In short, Neighborhood Parish Leaders are called to foster gospel family by obeying God in public. We pray that every leader at Sojourn, no matter their office, learns to pursue biblical obedience within the periods and boundaries they are allotted (Acts 17:26). We hope never to place extra-biblical burdens upon the people of God, who have been called to a life marked by freedom in Christ (Galatians 5:13). This document is intended to eliminate ambiguity with respect to Parish Leader responsibilities.

The Biblical Qualifications of a Deacon

According to 1 Timothy 3:8-12, qualified deacons shall be:  dignified (respectable), not double-tongued (credible and sincere), not addicted to much wine (self-controlled), not greedy for dishonest gain (not a lover of money), holding the gospel with a clear conscience (sound doctrine and practice), proven blameless (above reproach), holding fast to a godly spouse (if married), and exercising spiritual leadership at home.

The “One Another” Commands of the New Testament

In addition to the biblical qualifications of a deacon, there are fifty-nine “one another” statements in the New Testament. We’ve summarized them below. Parish Leaders, like all disciples of Christ, are called to obey these commands. These commands illustrate the essence of faithful and effective Parish Leadership.

“Love one another” (John 13:34, 35, 15:12, 17; Romans 12:10, 13:8; 1 Thessalonians 3:12, 4:9; 1 Peter 3:8, 4:8; 1 John 3:11, 23, 4:7, 11, 12; 2 John 5). First and foremost, Parish Leaders are called to love their Parish members deeply from the heart.

“Serve one another” (John 13:14; Galatians 5:13; 1 Peter 4:10). Parish Leaders are called to lead the way in serving the Body of Christ, in serving their immediate neighbors, and in serving the poor and marginalized in Houston.

“Be at peace with one another” (Mark 9:50; Romans 12:16; Galatians 5:15; 1 Peter 3:8). Parish Leaders are called to guard the church’s unity by mediating conflict, encouraging forgiveness, and gently rebuking when necessary.

“Submit to one another” (Romans 12:10; 1 Corinthians 11:33, 12:25; Ephesians 5:21; Philippians 2:3; 1 Peter 5:5). Parish Leaders are called to demonstrate humility by submitting to church leadership and the needs of church members.

“Be kind and compassionate to one another” (Ephesians 4:32; Romans 14:13; Galatians 5:26; Colossians 3:9; James 4:11). Parish Leaders are called to foster a culture of kindness and compassion.

“Welcome one another” (Romans 15:7, 16:16; 1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12; 1 Peter 4:9, 5:14). Parish Leaders are called to host a weekly Parish Gathering in their homes. Typically, this includes sermon text discussion over a potluck meal.

“Bear with one another” (Galatians 6:2; Ephesians 4:2, 4:32; Colossians 3:13; James 5:9). Parish Leaders are called to demonstrate grace and patience with brothers and sisters in Christ—even the difficult ones.

“Teach one another” (Romans 15:14; Colossians 3:16). Parish Leaders, like all Christians, are called to teach, and this can take many different forms. As we grow in Bible knowledge, we grow in our ability to adorn the gospel of grace.

“Encourage one another” (Ephesians 5:19; 1 Thessalonians 4:18, 5:11; Hebrews 3:13, 10:24, 25). Parish Leaders are called to foster a culture of encouragement and to encourage others in the exercise of their spiritual giftings.

“Confess your sins to one another” (James 5:16). Parish Leaders are called to be lead repenters. Each time we repent and turn to Christ for grace, we put the gospel on display, and we teach others to relate to God properly.

“Pray for one another” (James 5:16). Parish Leaders are called to grow in their intimacy with God through prayer. At the very least, we encourage prayer for the needs of the saints, for the elders, and for our non-Christian neighbors.

Shared Leadership and Multiplication

Faithful and effective Parish Leaders will practice these “one another” commands and lead others to do the same. At Sojourn, we believe a Neighborhood Parish marked by these “one another” qualities will be distinct and attractive before the watching world, giving us ample opportunities to speak the gospel explicitly.

Throughout Scripture, God expresses His desire that His people, His image-bearers, should be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:22, 28, 9:1, 17:20: Leviticus 26:9; Deuteronomy 6:3; Jeremiah 23:3; Ezekiel 37:26). Accordingly, as our Neighborhood Parishes are faithful in loving God and one another, we trust God to produce spiritual fruit in our midst. We trust God to multiply His people. Thus, we ask our Parish Leaders to prioritize the multiplication of their Parish by seeking to fulfill three simple tasks: equip the saints, share leadership with them, and plan to send them. 

In order to multiply healthy Parishes, it’s imperative that our Parish Leaders share the burden of their leadership. Not only does this relieve the Parish Leaders from the full weight of leading and serving a Parish, it prepares other members of the Parish to one day lead a Parish of their own. Every Parish Leader is provided a coach, so the process of multiplication by no means falls on the Parish Leader alone. We simply ask that our Parish Leaders share their leadership.

Everything else, the practicals and the processes, are the detailed means by which we accomplish leadership development and multiplication. But fundamentally, Parish Leaders are called to foster gospel family by obeying God in public, for everyone else to see and emulate.


Covenant Membership Conversation Guide

This is designed to be a tool for Neighborhood Parish Leaders at Sojourn Montrose in regards to signing off on new members.  The purpose is to help ensure the person or couple desiring to become a covenant member is aware of the commitment that comes along with membership, and that we can faithfully allow them to take on those commitments.  Your job is not to discern whether or not this person is a Christian based upon their ability to articulate the Gospel or anything other than what can be clearly known.  This guide will help us serve our Parishioners better, whether or not we can in good conscience allow them to sign on as a covenant member.

Questions to consider before having the conversation with your Parish attendee:

  1. Has this person presented themselves as a Christian in their speech and in their actions?

  2. Has this person been a consistent part of Parish life in a faithful way?

  3. Has this person given me reason to believe that they are ready to serve Sojourn Montrose as a faithful covenant member?

*If any of these questions yield the answer, “no,” please reach out to one of the Elders before going forward with a conversation about membership to decide on the most wise way to approach the situation in love.

Questions to ask during the conversation:

  1. Do you feel confident in calling yourself a Christian?  In your words, what does it mean to be a Christian? Or, would you mind sharing with me your story of faith?

  2. Have you been baptized? If yes, ask them to tell you that story.  If no, ask them if they desire and are willing to be baptized in accordance with the Scriptures as an act of Christian obedience.

  3. Can you in good conscience affirm all that is written in the Nicene Creed? The Nicene Creed is in the “Confession of Faith” Section of this packet

  4. Do you feel like you have a good understanding the mission and vision of Sojourn Montrose?

  5. Do you feel like you have a good understanding of the expectations of a covenant member at Sojourn Montrose, and the commitment the elders and deacons make in return to the members?

  6. Have you considered both financial giving and serving at Sojourn as a volunteer?  Do you have any questions about that, and are you ready to commit to both of those things?

  7. Do you have any questions from the covenant membership class that you felt weren’t answered?

*If any of the answers given lead you to believe they might not be ready for membership, or if they ask a question to which you do not possess an answer, please tell them that you would love to have one of the Elders talk more about that topic with them before they sign.


Proximity Matters: The Case for Rooting in the Neighborhood

Since Sojourn Houston was established, we have operated under a missional strategy based upon a simple premise: proximity matters.

As Christians, we are all missionaries. Most of us have responsibilities during the day, whether it is a job in the marketplace, classes to attend, children to rear, or organizations to serve. But, we all have the occupation as Ambassadors for Christ and His Kingdom. And, Sojourn Montrose covenant members are responsible for the work of making disciples.

We live in a metro area whose urban sprawl makes some states in our union blush, and the urban core of our city is defined by distinct neighborhoods with their own cultures and personalities. Thus, it makes both strategic and practical sense to focus our disciple-making energy by having congregations who are focused on reaching people and systems within their neighborhoods. With all of that in mind, it is our hope and desire that all of our covenant members would choose to live within the neighborhood of Montrose.

Relationships are more easily built, maintained, and developed between people who have regular access to one another. So, for missionaries seeking to reach a specific geography, living within that geography matters. Choosing to live in Montrose allows for relationship-building and evangelism with our neighbors, and for ongoing discipleship with our fellow brothers and sisters.

Finally, we recognize that there are more affordable places to live in the Houston area than Montrose. Choosing to live in Montrose may require more strategic budgeting, and making sacrifices in regards to comfort and lifestyle. We understand that these decisions won’t always be easy to make, but we heartily believe that a congregation living, serving, and ministering within the boundaries of our neighborhood will lead to gospel fruit with eternal consequences.

Leaving Well: Treating Family Like Family

While we would (somewhat selfishly) love for all of our members to root in Montrose and stay here forever, we recognize that this will not be the case.

Many, if not most, of our members will eventually move on from our congregation, heeding the call of church planting elsewhere, or responding to the changing circumstances of life. Since that is true, and since we believe there is a loving and godly way to approach all matter of life in the Church, we ask that our members consider what it might mean to make the decision to leave the congregation gracefully.

God’s people are a family, bonded in blood, having a common Father, a unified Spirit, and sharing residence in the household of faith. So, local congregations are called throughout the New Testament to operate as a family, submitting to their fellow brethren and offering themselves to one another in love. One implication of that reality is that we allow our brothers and sisters and leaders to speak into major life decisions. So, if you are considering moving, invite your Parish family and your pastors into that process. Ask for feedback, for help you work through pros and cons, and be willing to listen to answers you don’t necessarily want to hear. In the end, this process, accompanied by ample prayer, fasting, and reliance upon a fluency in God’s gospel, you will make a decision you can be confident in, and that your church family can support you in. If, after faithful consideration, prayer, and discussion with your church family, you decide to move on from Sojourn Montrose, we will be able to send you off joyfully as a missionary headed to another outpost. While departures are bittersweet, there is a joy that comes in sending a brother or sister or nuclear family off to serve faithfully elsewhere.

Parish Multiplication Timeline

Without a plan for multiplication, multiplication tends not to happen. The time line is designed so that every Parish absolutely is somewhere in the process of multiplication. Further, it gives clear markers and next steps for you to drive your Parish toward perpetual, healthy multiplication.


Parish Multiplication: Apprentice Nomination Guide

Parish Leaders, please use the following set of questions to guide an initial, formal meeting with your prospective apprentice. Keep things conversational, and don’t feel as though you have to walk through these questions systematically. The goal is for you to know their story, their motives, their hopes and aspirations. Feel free to dig more deeply as you see fit. 

  • Tell the story of how God saved you. 

  • What’s the most emotionally difficult thing you’ve experienced? How did you cope? 

  • What are your spiritual gifts? How have you used them within our Parish family? 

  • If you could, what would you change about your personality? Why? 

  • What is the gospel? 

  • Have you ever made a disciple of a non-Christian? If so, recount the story. 

  • How/when/where does your life overlap with non-Christians? 

  • Have you shared the gospel with non-Christians since joining our Parish? 

  • How does your burden for the lost manifest itself in your prayers? 

  • What is your view on the authority and inerrancy of Scripture? 

The following questions should be asked male-to-male and female-to-female. Again, please ask follow-up questions to insure clarity, depth, and vulnerability. 

If married, 

  • How would you describe the current condition of your marriage? 

  • What’s the most significant disagreement you’ve had thus far? How did you resolve it? 

  • How do you grow in your devotion to Jesus together as a couple? 

  • Which friends would you say truly know your marriage? 

  • How frequently and to what degree do you struggle with the following: pornography, lust,
    masturbation, incest, adultery, sexual/romantic fantasy, same-sex attraction? 

  • How are you currently seeking to put this sin to death? 

  • How would you describe the health and enjoyment of your marital intimacy? 

  • What rhythms do you employ to bring up your children in the instruction of the Lord? 

If single, 

  • Describe your level of contentment and/or discontentment with singleness. 

  • In what ways have you embraced and utilized your singleness for God’s Kingdom? 

  • How frequently and to what degree do you struggle with the following: lust, pornography,
    masturbation, incest, fornication, sexual/romantic fantasy, same-sex attraction? 

  • How are you currently seeking to put this sin to death?


Parish Multiplication: Apprentice Theological Assessment

Apprentices, please answer the following set of essay questions on a separate document and email your responses to Reid Squires ( Take no longer than two hours to answer each question. You are welcome to research, but we hope to gauge your current understanding, so please use your own words. Cite scripture wherever possible. If you need any clarification or help, you are more than welcome to reach out to your Parish Leader or cohort leader for assistance. 

1. Explain the doctrine of the Trinity. 

2. Explain the Holy Spirit’s role in salvation and sanctification. 

3. Briefly describe the purpose of God from Genesis to Revelation. 

4. Give a Biblical defense for a communal approach to mission and discipleship. 

5. Read the Sojourn Houston Confessional Statement. Are there any points with which you struggle or disagree? 

6. How would you respond to someone who believes that Jesus is just one of many ways to find God? 

7. Read Romans 9:15-18 and 1 Timothy 2:1-4. Please explain how you reconcile these seemingly contradicting texts. 

8. How would you counsel a Christian Parish member actively engaged in cohabitation and premarital sex? 

9. How would you defend Sojourn’s commitment to only ordain male elders? 

10. What is your vision for integrating children into the life of your Parish? 

11. How is church discipline rooted in love? 

12. Why do we plant churches?1


Parish Multiplication: Growth Identification

The goal of this document is discipleship. We want you, as an Apprentice, to pray and honestly assess yourself with the goal that we could walk together toward the goal. If you or your Parish Leaders believe you aren’t quite ready for Parish Leaders, this questionnaire may serve to identify and plan toward that end. 

Personal Questions

  • Where do you need to grow in your devotion to Jesus (i.e. bible study, prayer, fasting, worship, rest, repentance, obedience, etc.)?

  • Where do you need to grow in your devotion to others (i.e. spiritual leadership in your household, developing friendships with others, opening your home, etc.)?

  • Where do you need to grow in your devotion to the city (i.e. meeting neighbors, engaging local patrons, being present at local events, serving the marginalized, etc.)?

  • Where do you need to grow in your theological knowledge and application (i.e. the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, the doctrine of Hell, the doctrine of Predestination, etc.)?

  • Where do you need to grow in your leadership and administrative skills (i.e. communication, casting vision, taking initiative, follow-up, time management, relational dynamics, etc.)?

  • Where do you need to grow in your ability to guard yourself from disqualification (i.e. succumbing to stress, anxiety, burn-out, doubt, frustration, bitterness, immorality, etc.)?

  • If you had to identify one thing standing between you and your being ordained as a deacon, what would that be? (See above & 1 Timothy 3:8-13)

Planning Questions

  • In light of your answers to the previous questions, what ways do you think Elders and Parish Leaders can equip and walk with you in growth?

  • Are there aspect of Sojourn’s model and vision that you aren’t comfortable or familiar with? If so, what are they?

  • What sermons, topics or trainings would you personally benefit from?

  • What does rest look like for you? How do you sabbath?

  • What area of growth do you plan to devote the majority of your energy to over the next 6-12 months?

  • How do you plan to stay accountable to this goal?


Parish Multiplication: Apprentice Practical Assessment

At least 1 elder (but can optionally include other elders and Parish Leaders) should assess apprentices in person utilizing the following questions. This is not an exhaustive exercise, nor is it a theological assessment. However, it is a chance to discuss expectations, fears, hopes and begin a relationship of honest dialogue regarding Parish Leadership. 

1. Pray and explain purpose

2. Questions

  • Why do you want to be a Parish Leader? 

  • What things are you excited about when it comes to leading a Parish?

  • What about it gives you apprehension? What are your fears?

  • How do you feel your leaders have equipped & prepared you for this role?

  • Tell me how important it is to have shared leadership within a Parish?

  • How do you see yourself delegating within the context of your Parish?

  • Talk about the differences between Renewal Group and The Neighborhood Parish. What are the goals of these gatherings?

  • Describe what a fully committed member of your Parish looks like.

  • How comfortable do you feel addressing a covenant member in your Parish who is not fulfilling these roles?

  • What things have you seen in Parish life that are worth celebrating?

  • How will you make sure that your new Parish family continues to do this? 

  • How do you use “yes” and “no” in your leadership right now? (trying to get a sense of whether they want to serve, appease or shut people out) 

  • What might cause you to feel guilty as a Parish Leader?

  • Why should you not feel guilty?

  • How will you communicate regularly as co-Parish Leaders?

  • How will you measure success in your Parish?

  • What will you do when you don’t measure up to your own standards of success?

  • How have you dealt with difficult relationships in the past?

  • What difficult relationships do you currently have?

  • How is a disciple made in the context of community? What actually happens?

  • How will you address your Parish if you see that you all are not seeking to make disciples?

  • How do your recognize leadership potential?

  • How would you equip someone in your Parish whom you see as a potential apprentice?  

  • What is each member of your Parish is responsible for? (see if they understand 1) building relationships 2) inviting people into the community 3) sharing the gospel) (in other words 1) the care of others 2) exposing them to Christian family 3) declaring truth 

  • What are you are responsible for as a Parish Leader? 

  • (see if they understand 1-3 as well as 4) equip the saints 5) share your leadership 6) plan to send) (in other words 4) growth of those in your care 5) raising up stakeholders 6) look to multiply) (sharing leadership essentially addresses the other two responsibilities) 

  • What do you know about the neighborhood around where your Parish gathers? 

  • What specific burden do you have for the surrounding area? 

  • How much of a student have you become of your neighborhood? (do you know those you’re trying to reach?) (get a sense of their convictions and encourage them to lead out of them)  

3. Talk through timeline

Parish Name: 
Parish Day and Time: Parish Location
Follow up resources: 
Multiplication Party Date:
Ordination Date: 

4. Explain next steps and pray


Parish Multiplication: Multiplication Checklist

In tandem with talking through the Parish Multiplication Timeline, this document can help solidify where you are on the timeline and what the next steps are. You can work with Reid to plan and evaluate.

  • Have we identified Leaders? If so, who are they?

  • Have we shared leadership with them? What do they do?

  • Are we ready to make them Official Apprentices? If so, set up a time to have a conversation utilizing the Nomination Guide.

  • Have they done the Theological Assessment? Make sure to send them one.

  • They are official apprentices. Are you sharing significant Leadership with them? What do they do?

  • Have you talked about areas for growth and equipping? Utilize the Growth and Equipping questionnaire.

  • Are they in need of additional conversations regarding growth and equipping. Work with Reid and Apprentices on timing for multiplication.

  • Have the Apprentices identified a location? If they are not Hosting, who do they need on their core team to host?

  • Have they Identified a core team? Work together to figure out who will stay and who will multiply out.

  • Have conversations begun with the core team? Apprentices should begin targeting core team members and having conversations. 

  • Has the multiplication party been scheduled? When it is? What vision will be cast there?


The Parish Gathering

This section gives you a picture of what a typical Parish Gathering could look like. We hold this with an open hand, and in the end, trust Parish Leaders to lead and facilitate these gatherings based on season, Parish, needs, and mission.

What is a Parish?

At the core, a Parish Gathering should include a shared meal, and prayer.

A Neighborhood Parish is a smaller expression of the church made up of ordinary people learning to follow Jesus and live on mission together in the context of everyday life. We seek to live together with gospel intentionality for the glory of God and the good of the neighborhood. Sojourn’s members often testify to the Holy Spirit’s sanctifying work through the joys and frustrations of living in steady-state Christian community. And it’s through these smaller expressions of the church that our neighbors get to see the gospel’s implications lived out. Alongside our Sunday Gatherings, the Neighborhood Parish functions as the central disciple making rhythm at Sojourn. 

In the past, a small group has been more like an event to attend rather than a family to serve alongside. A Neighborhood Parish is not a small group, a bible study, a support group or a social activist club. While it shares common elements with all these groups, it is something very different because it seeks to display the Gospel in real ways to the neighborhood around it. At the Parishes grow, we hope to see them multiply across the city. 

What is the Parish Gathering?

Just like the church is a people that gather on Sundays, the Parish is a people that gather on a specific night of the week. A Parish Gathering is a scheduled time for the smaller family and expression of the church to gather. This is a sacred time that we encourage all members to prioritize, not as law but as an opportunity and a discipline. We were not meant to follow Jesus outside of close community, the Parish affords us that opportunity and the Parish Gathering is a time set aside to gather into that reality on a regular basis. We need the Parish Gathering, even if we don’t think we do.

The Parish Gathering has a standard format, but like many family Gatherings, the Gathering is organic and flexible. Below is a mock timeline for a Parish Gathering:

  1. Allow people to congregate, chat, arrive and catch up

  2. Share announcements, vision and prayer

  3. Share a meal

  4. Prayer, and/or recap the sermon and/or read the biblical text, and work through the questions (either in smaller groups or in one large group).

We’ve found alternative Gatherings can be helpful for the life of your Parish. Therefore, below are some ideas for your Parish based on the season you are in:

Eat and Pray
At its basic element, a successful Parish Gathering includes a time of shared meal and a time of prayer. As kids begin to run around our living rooms, these may be all you have time for.  We call it faithful and successful.

Story Night
Break up into smaller groups and share stories from your life devoted to a certain theme (forgiveness, guilt, being scared, etc.)

Follow the above format but have someone prepare and share their testimony. Can be great for equipping and training for evangelism. 

If conversation has been heavy, and people haven’t been able to catch up outside of the Parish Gathering, it may be a good idea to gather informally in light of our eternal reality together as brothers and sisters.

Parish Gathering Out
Sometimes a host could use a break, or the Parish has forgotten the evangelism call of Jesus. It may be a good idea to host a Parish Gathering at a restaurant or bar, with the intention of meeting other people. This shouldn’t be a weekly occurrence, as there is much value to meeting in our homes.

Service oriented
Occasionally, a Parish may decide to serve through a non-profit organization in some capacity. We leave this to the discretion fo the Parish Leader, but if a Parish is united in calling then it can be pursued. You will be well served to not add this amount of coordination to your job description and allow apprentices or members to lift in this area.


Flexibility is stressed for the Parish Gathering. Encouraging Parish Members to bring neighbors and guests to the Parish Gathering means that we will inevitably have unbelievers in our homes for the Gathering. Why we shouldn’t shy away from proclaiming the gospel, you may need to be flexible. For example, if an accountability night is planned to confess and repent of sin, it may be better for the unbelieving guest if you instead read the text and ask broader questions, allowing them a chance to engage with community and the gospel in a relational and less heavy context. This isn’t law either; we trust the Holy Spirit in bringing these folks into our homes. Unbelievers when coming generally know what they have agreed to attend, so don’t shy away from proclaiming the gospel in what we do, but rely on your people to warmly welcome, engage and flex for the sake of salvation.


ZOOM & Parish Leadership

In rare seasons, the Parish may find itself unable to gather in person. In these cases, we suggest that Parishes meet via online methods, such as ZOOM or Google Meet. Let the staff know if you need an official account to log into. 


DON'T try and recreate a Parish gathering, exactly. We can't emulate the side conversations and small talk that fill folks up via Zoom
DO keep it to about an hour, everyone gets tired of the screen quickly.
DON'T leave space for people to share freely with no structure. This leaves folks feeling more drained. Zoom is a series of monologues; some people will over talk to fill  silence or under-talk to avoid awkwardness.
DO Encourage your people to make phone calls to one another outside of Zoom. Phone calls are better for chatting and connection between two people. 


Sharing testimonies on Zoom works. It's a platform for monologues, and a testimony is a monologue. After someone gives their entire story, have space for others to ask questions and encourage the sharer. 

Zoom is also great for prayer gatherings, and the breakout rooms are easy to use and work well. These rooms can also be utilized for questions regarding scripture.

Try shifting zoom time away from focusing on individuals and focus on the collective. Think and talk as a parish. Plan for evangelism. Ask questions about the group - What are we doing well? What do we want to do differently when we meet again? How will we be more effective at evangelism? Lost people are starved for interaction, how will we engage them?

Bible study works well in zoom. This isn't a typical Parish Gathering where a meal, prayer, and sharing the physical space are the main pillars. Structure helps set expectations and makes the time useful and productive, which creates by-in.

Renewal groups are great on Zoom. Again, monologues. If having trouble finding time for Renewal Groups, consider using a normal Parish night to do them! 


Renewal Groups & The Neighborhood Parish Gathering

This section explains and shows the difference between Renewal Groups and the Neighborhood Parish Gathering. For more on this, see the Renewal Group Primer Below.

A Neighborhood Parish is a Jesus-centered community that lives out the mission of God together in a specific area, to a specific people by living out the Gospel in tangible ways and explaining the truth and light of the Gospel to others. Neighborhood Parishes meet once per week in a home to share a meal and pray for one another. 

The Goal of the Neighborhood Parish Gathering: Make Disciples of all nations, baptizing them into the church in the name of God.

In tandem, Parishes also include a subgroup that we call “Renewal Groups.”

Renewal Groups are where Sojourn Montrose Members connect deeply with one another. We share our stories and sin, listen well to each other, and apply God’s Word and Gospel to one another in order to join the Spirit of God in the renewal of all things. Renewal Groups meet every other week. Belonging to a Neighborhood Parish is the first step to plugging into a Renewal Group. 

The Goal of the Renewal Group: Make Disciples of all nations, teaching them all that Jesus commanded.

Both of these systems make up the Neighborhood Parish. Parish Leaders are simply asked to ensure that renewal groups are happening. Renewal Groups run themselves, and new renewal groups should work through the Renewal Group Primer (found in “resources”) to lay the foundation for that time and space.

The Church.png

Rest Months & Sabbaticals

Rest is biblically required. It’s also wise for leaders to practice rest in order to have longevity in the ministry we’ve been called to. At Sojourn, we want to bake in rhythms of rest to our everyday lives.

Rest Month: December

In Matthew 11, Jesus invites us: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Far from calling us to disengage, Jesus invites us to rest through intimate engagement. He’s calling us to rest in Him, not just from things.

Every December, we ask all of our Neighborhood Parishes to find ways to rest, reflect, and recreate together. The purpose is not to escape community. In fact, we see this month of rest as an opportunity to express “church as family” even more fully. It’s an opportunity for our Parish Leaders to recharge while fostering a culture of shared leadership within the Parish. So even as you continue to live as the people of God in Christ, know that you are free from the expectation of a weekly, scheduled Gathering. 

In the month leading up to each rest month, we will remind the Covenant Members in your Parishes to take the initiative by mapping out a plan for the month.

Here are some ideas:

  • Plan a cookout and invite neighbors

  • Schedule a park day with other Parishes

  • Go out to eat together (come together to pay for babysitters) 

  • Host the Parish Gathering for the month

  • Encourage and pray for your Parish Leaders

Again, the month of rest is not a break from the Christian life; it’s an opportunity to collectively breathe and renew our commitment to shared leadership. We’re still family.


Parish Leadership is designed to be done perpetually, as a part of the normal rhythm of your life. However, we realize that in some seasons you may feel the need to step back from leadership and be part of a Parish as a member. That is certainly OK - we call these seasons sabbaticals. Like Pastoral Sabbaticals, they are designed specifically for the person resting, which means meeting with a Pastor to counsel, design and shepherd the season is necessary. If you feel this is something you need, please contact the Pastor of Operations and Mobilization and schedule an in person meeting regarding a Sabbatical.


Parish Leader Milestones

Although our hope is that Parish Leadership is designed to be done perpetually for many years, sometimes due to life stage or season Parish Leaders will exit their role. We don’t want this to be considered or viewed as burn-out or any kind of failure, there are real reasons for leaders to step down in healthy ways through healthy systems. As stated at the beginning of this handbook, we could not be more grateful for the service and role that our Parish Leaders provide for our church. We count leaders making healthy exists from seasons of high service as a win.

To help this process, we are implementing a Milestone system as a way to care for Parish Leaders. 

  • Entry into Parish Leadership: 2 Year commitment

  • MILESTONE 1 - Year 1, month 6: Conversation one regarding health and recommitment

    • If exiting Parish Leadership, 6 months working to hand-off leadership

    • If staying in Parish Leadership, an additional 2 year commitment

  • MILESTONE 2 - Year 3, month 6

    • If exiting Parish Leadership, 6 months working to hand-off leadership

    • If staying in Parish Leadership, an additional 2 year commitment

  • MILESTONE 3 - Year 5, month 6

    • If exiting Parish Leadership, 6 months working to hand-off leadership

    • If staying in Parish Leadership, an additional 2 year commitment

  • REST YEAR - Year 6

    • Sabbatical Year - 3 months to 12 months off, including regular check-ins 

    • Honored before the church

    • Gift from Sojourn

  • Cycle repeats


Ending Parish Leader Tenure

We understand that, given our options for regular off-ramps for Parish Leaders, and other factors, Parish Leaders will step down from their position. We will outline what they can expect from Pastors, and what Pastors hope for them. 

Active Deacons vs. Inactive Deacons

Parish Leaders serve the Body of Sojourn Montrose as Deacons. When Parish Leaders step down from this role, they hopefully will continue to serve the body. But, we believe that the office of Deacon is a specific role, and at Sojourn Montrose this role is reserved for those actively and significantly aiding the Pastors in ministry and care. Therefore, those who are not current Parish Leaders are regarded as Inactive Deacons. Inactive Deacons have met all the character qualifications of Deacon as outlined in scripture. They’ve been tested and ordained as Deacons. However, they are no longer fulfilling the active service qualification that Sojourn Montrose has outlined for our Deacons. 

Some former Parish Leaders may serve as Active Deacons in different capacities. For example, a former Parish Leader may step into a role serving as the Deacon of Gathered Worship, or the Deacon of Financial Stewardship. See more on Deacon qualification and service here: 


While Inactive Deacons no longer serve in the same capacity of their formal role, they are still called to fulfill their role as a Covenant Member of Sojourn Montrose. This means we still hope they will serve during the Sunday Gathering, be active participates in their Parish Gathering, serve their new Parish Leaders joyfully, and give financially to the work of ministry. 

If Parish Leaders step down because they are moving, we hope to connect them with a new congregation as soon as possible. In this case, the requirements associated with Covenant Membership no longer apply. 


Some communication streams, like the Slack channel for Deacons, are reserved for Active Deacons. We do this to foster relational community and trust between our Active Deacons, to create private channels for the sake of discretion, and to guard Inactive Deacons against feeling the demands of Parish Leadership in a time which they have expressed a desire to be free from the responsibilities therein. Since elders believe the office of Deacon is a high calling, we do not find it loving to place the burdens of Parish Leadership on any member not currently serving in that capacity. 

Pastoral Care

Our Pastors love caring for Parish Leaders, current and former. If they’ve stepped down due to challenging life circumstances, we hope to establish a plan of care with regular touch points between them and one of our Pastors. Many times, Parish Leaders take an off-ramp because they simply need a break. In these situations, we ask that they express their needs clearly and regularly. 

Active Parish Leaders tend to get more pastoral time, and because former Parish Leaders are used to this, they may expect that level of attention to continue. Pastors focus time and attention toward Active Parish Leaders because of their acts e role in leading our congregation in mission and vision. Inactive Deacons may experience less regular and direct contact from Pastor, but there is no less affection, devotion, and concern for them and their well being. We ask them to help us by making their needs and expectations known. Anyone who asks for Pastoral time at Sojourn will receive it. Moreover, we ask that former Parish Leaders lean on the current members of the Parish including their Parish leaders.


Single Parish Leadership

At Sojourn, we have always believed the role of Parish Leadership should be available to and encouraged for any qualified Covenant Member, as per the qualification standards for deacons defined in the New Testament. To that end, Sojourn has never, and never plans on, restricting the office to married members. The New Testament has a rich theology of the blessedness and benefits of singleness within the Kingdom of God (Matt 19:1-12; 1 Cor 7:1-40). So, for men and women who are single, we extend the invitation to serve in Parish Leadership.

Sojourn does not wish to impose any extra-biblical mandates on our single Parish Leaders in regards to their personal lives, including their dating relationships.  We do, however, ask our single Parish Leaders to remember that their lives are being viewed as an example for Christian living within their neighborhood Parish community and the congregation at large.  To that end, we do strongly encourage Parish Leaders (and all christian members) to date professing Christians who are committed to a local church body, and that they conduct that relationship with honor befitting a Christian man or woman.  Situations of irresponsible dating or sexual misconduct will be engaged within the accountability structures of the neighborhood Parish, and under the oversight of the Elders.

Although we have seen many benefits for both single Parish Leaders and their Parishioners, leading a Parish unmarried can present some difficulties. Because of this, a healthy relationship between the male and female leader is paramount to the overall health of the Parish. Leading a Parish together means that both leaders must be thorough and honest communicators, and they must share responsibilities well. Parish Leaders must also be committed to supporting and protecting their partner in difficult leadership situations. Parish Leaders should never put themselves in compromising situations, so we highly encourage that Parish Leaders do not take one-on-one meetings with Parishioners of the opposite sex. If a Parishioner of the opposite sex asks to meet, suggest a meeting in which both you and your co-leader would be present.

One of the difficulties of leading a Parish as single men and women is that it means Parish Leaders must take care to make time for planning, discussion, and prayer with their co-leader.  While married Parish Leaders have countless opportunities to do these things throughout a given week, unmarried Parish Leaders will have to prioritize time and communication efforts with their co-leader. Finding a regular touchpoint with your co-leader can be the key to unity and direction for your neighborhood Parish. Whether this happens over a meal, a cup of coffee,  before or after Parish Gatherings, or even over the phone during your commute, it is an expectation that all Parish Leaders are fostering a healthy partnership relationship with their counterpart.

In sum, at Sojourn we celebrate both singleness and Parish Leadership as gifts to the Church.  And, there is no reason that those two things should be held apart from one another.  With some thoughtful planning, accountability, and commitment, all Parish Leaders can flourish to the benefit of their Parishioners and the Kingdom of God.


Leadership Plan When Expecting

Parish Leaders that are pregnant likely have enough on their plate as it is without needing to worry about what will happen with the Parish Gatherings. Whether hosting, leading, or both, coming home with a new born means you will need time to adapt to being a first time a parent, or a parent of one more. The hope of this plan is to equip you, your apprentices and your Parish for a season away from leadership and reentry into leadership.

Step 1: Work with a Pastor

A Pastor will oversee this transition and make sure that all parties involved have clarity, so it’s best to contact one if you haven’t already at least 3 months from the due date. The Pastor will initiate or guide you through a lot of these conversations between you, the apprentices and the Parish.

Step 2: Identify leaders to lead in the interim

Ideally, you have some apprentices you can lean on in this season. The two things you need help with are:

1. Finding a host location

2. Finding leaders to facilitate the Gathering 

Speak with them about doing one or both of these things. An easy way for Parish members who aren’t ready for leadership to step up is to simply host. A huge win would be for the Parish to be hosted by a member and for apprentices or a rotating group of members to lead discussions - this way the Parish is taking full ownership. When this is settled, speak with the Pastor regarding who is hosting and leading. 

Step 4: Plan timeline

It’s really hard to estimate time needed away. Some parents only need a month, some could use some extra time. We suggest starting with at least one month off from leading and hosting, and then taking it from there. If you need a longer season, that is fine! Let’s keep communication open, especially with the Parish as your needs as parents develop. 

Step 3: Handoff

When the baby comes, let us know! When you get a free moment, communicate with at least one designated party and let the plan we set up begin! Questions will be sent weekly to leaders from the Sojourn Staff, so there is relatively nothing to prepare week in and week out. 

 Step 4: Re-Entry

Whether one or six months later, our hope is that you would continue to lead a Parish. Transitioning back into leadership and/or hosting will be guided by the Pastor and takes the collaboration of the whole Parish, but it isn’t that difficult. Hopefully, we just revert to how things were before, except with a new member of the Parish family!


Child Integration

Integrating children into the Parish family doesn’t have to be impossible. There are many options for how you go about this. Theologically, children are people made in the image of God. We want the children here to grow up used to gospel centered community, warts and all, not to their detriment but to their flourishing. 

 Full Integration

Full integration embraces the chaos by seeking to include children in all parts of the Parish Gathering.  Children not only eat with the adults, they also pray with the adults and join the adults in discussion as soon as they are able. Precisely because things can get chaotic, this model is a great way to grow your Parish’s comfort level and ability to discuss their faith amidst the chaos of everyday life. It’s also a powerful, tangible expression of what Sojourn believes about its children:  the covenant community, God’s kingdom, includes them. However, Parishes working towards full integration will likely suffer the loss of consistently deep, vulnerable, intellectually stimulating discussion, at least to a degree. We recommend that fully integrated Parishes take care to promote Bible study and learning opportunities through Sojourn Academy and other avenues.

Partial Integration

Partial integration might look like sharing a potluck meal with children present, then dismissing the children to another room or nearby home (along with at least 2 adults) to work through an age-appropriate Bible lesson together. This model works well for Parishes with multiple elementary-aged children. Over dinner, the children are included and engaged in conversation, and yet, the adults are given space each week to pray, study, and discuss in a relatively quiet environment. We recommend that partially integrated Parishes actively guard against the temptation to view children as a detriment to the Parish’s purpose and mission. To the contrary, they are a welcome addition.

No Integration

Because it seeks to remove children from the weekly Parish Gathering, this model should be a last resort. We believe discipleship is a community project, and this is especially true of our children. We hope to see our Neighborhood Parishes taking ownership of the discipleship and spiritual nurture of their children. However, we recognize that certain circumstances may be grounds for hiring a babysitter or pursuing a similar solution. Again, we recommend that such Parishes actively guard against  the temptation to view children as a detriment to the Parish’s purpose and mission. To the contrary, they are a welcome addition.

Our Values & Convictions

No matter which model your Parish chooses, we ask that you make your decision according to a few key values and convictions. First of all, please read our Theology of Children (See Table of Contents). From this document, alongside all that encompasses Sojourn’s vision for the Neighborhood Parish, we can derive a few relevant principles:

  • The Neighborhood Parish consists of men, women, and children.

  • The Neighborhood Parish is a spiritual family.

  • The Parish Gathering is a family meal.

  • Our children should always be welcomed as members of the family.

Children are inherently distracting, and yet the Bible insists that our children are a blessing. How so? God blesses us through our children, not simply because they like to cuddle or because they can care for us when we get old; God blesses us through our children by interrupting our schedules, drawing us out of ourselves, forcing us to focus our attention on someone else. God blesses us by distracting us from ourselves.

Parents know these things to be true. And while this reality almost certainly makes for a chaotic Parish Gathering, it spreads the God-given blessing of children to everyone, whether they are parents or not. This is a radically counter-cultural notion, but it’s a notion that American Christians desperately need to rediscover.

In a very real sense, excluding children slows our corporate spiritual growth. We tend to believe growth in the Christian life is about knowledge, knowledge, and more knowledge. But Jesus tells us to become like children, weak and vulnerable and needy (Matthew 18:1-14). The Christian life is about so much more than what we know. When we exclude children, we exclude members of the community who, according to Jesus, have a lot to teach us.


Emergency Response & Preparedness

Houston experiences an above average amount of hurricane and flood events. Here are some helpful reminders and information about how Sojourn prepares and responds to a disaster event.

Preparing for a Disaster


Pray for our city, for those in the path of the storm, and that God would spare us and weaken the storm. Pray that lives would be protected and the vulnerable would be safe. 


Do what you must to prepare for a hurricane. Stock up on basic necessities and be prepared to donate excess. As a Church, we prepare by having water ready to donate, and systems in place to collect and disperse funding and volunteers. Please consider canceling your Parish Gathering if it is occurring during a large weather event.


Make the call on what's best for you and your family. Listen to local authorities. If safe to do so, consider staying to help care for those less fortunate after a storm - the poor are typically unable to evacuate easily. 



The immediate aftermath of a devastating storm includes the collection of donations, mobilization of volunteers, and preparing to engage. Typically, we don't engage immediately in order to give professional the room to save those in immediate need and to avoid creating a scenario where we are in need ourselves, creating another job for those professionals. 


During this stage, we mobilize volunteers to safely volunteer in homes, sort donations, and aide in any other opportunities that arise. Leaders also begin distributing funds that were collected during the immediate response phase and ministering to emotional and spiritual needs.


Long-term, we begin shifting leftover donations toward organizations that participate in long-term recovery. Leadership involved in caring for spiritual and emotional needs transfer those contacts to local churches or counseling services.


Resources & Policies

This section includes other statements, documents, policies and resources related to Parish Leadership and church membership.