“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
– Jesus (Matthew 19:14)
For Children ages 0-5
The Kid’s Gathering takes place every Sunday during the Gathering. It is a time for children learn basic truths about who God is and what he has done. Our background-checked teachers ensure children’s safety, deliver simple, gospel-centered curriculum, and work with parents to raise the children of Sojourn Montrose.
Our Kid’s Gathering utilizes the Treasuring Christ Curriculum every Sunday, which values connecting our children to scripture in an age-appropriate way. The Kid’s Gathering includes the following elements: fellowship, bible story, 3-4 questions, prayer, reflection through art, snack (breaking bread), worship through song, and optional worship through scripture memorization.
This curriculum gives children a way to connect to scripture without the distraction of technology and fosters community by allowing them to play together, share their thoughts about God, pray together, and enjoy God through the arts. As a parent, you receive a weekly supplemental resource that you can use at home in your time with your child. These activities are designed for toddlers and can be a great way for you to continue the conversation about what your child has learned during their gathering.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments, please email our Kid’s Gathering Director, Liz Torti, at liz@sojournmontrose.org