Lent Devotional

On the Christian calendar, Lent is a forty-day period of fasting and repentance beginning on Ash Wednesday and leading up to Easter Sunday. In the Bible, the number forty represents a period of trial, testing, and preparation. Because Sundays are traditionally considered feast days, they are not counted within the forty days of fasting.

Lent is a time of self-examination, contrition, and penitence, which may sound grim and glum, but Lent is not a forty-day pity party hosted in a heap of ash. Lent trains us to be a people of patience and restraint, who rejoice in the meantime. To observe Lent rightly, we must be persuaded that we already stand in the favor of a God who exalts those who humble themselves. In Christ, we can mourn the deepest darkness knowing that the light of God has come.

Below is a devotional guide through the season of Lent. Each day consists of Scripture readings, prayers, and questions for reflection. Our ultimate aim is to reflect meaningfully upon the death and resurrection of Christ, and our union with Him, while pursuing holiness. 

Advent Devotional

During this season of Advent, our prayer is that the people of Sojourn would be confronted with our longings. Only God can deliver on the full satisfaction He promises and we truly long for. The Advent of Christ is proof of this. Because we know that Christ was dead, buried, and resurrected, we can and should long for the consummation of God’s Kingdom upon his return. Only then will our hearts be truly satisfied.

Our hope is that this new daily devotional for 2019 will help be a guide and companion to you during this season of Advent! The Advent devotional is a short, daily guide of scripture, meditation, and prayer for the season of Advent. Join us! 



Looking for some organization when it comes to reading the bible? This 5-day per week plan guides through the Old & New Testament in 52 weeks. Start it any time during the year and work your way through the Word of God!